Ms outlook 2013
Ms outlook 2013

ms outlook 2013

As Microsoft notes, “ we are quickly approaching the November 1 deadline…” Time can move slowly when replacing old client versions in IT infrastructures and Outlook is no different. Outlook’s November 1 DeadlineĪll of which brings me to the news that November 1 is the drop-dead date for connectivity for some older Outlook versions. This task is harder than it seems because announcements are spread across the message center in the Microsoft 365 admin center, blog posts issued by individual development groups, plus some corporate news posts. In a nutshell, you need to keep an eye on Microsoft announcements and updates to know when things will happen. Microsoft 365 and Office 365 license prices increase on March 1, 2022, so now’s a great time to review the license mix within a tenant to eliminate unused licenses.

ms outlook 2013

The Azure AD license management cmdlets will stop working after June 30, 2022, which might impact PowerShell scripts used to assign and remove licenses from Microsoft 365 accounts.Exchange Online will also introduce a legacy SMTP endpoint sometime during 2022 to enable those who need to continue using TLS 1.0/1.1 connections to send SMTP email to keep working. Mail-enabled recipients with hard-coded plus addresses must be updated before Microsoft switches plus addressing on. Exchange Online will enable plus addressing for all tenants in January 2022.IE11 browser support finishes on J(support already terminated for IE11 in Microsoft 365 on August 17, 2021).A quick browse of recent announcements include: Keeping track of important dates for feature deprecation, retirement, and announcements across an ecosystem like Microsoft 365 can take some effort. Tracking Important Dates across Microsoft 365 Tracking Important Dates across Microsoft 365.

Ms outlook 2013